Tuesday, June 18, 2013

America, More “Loving”? | Institute of Love

President Barack Obama declared that the nation has reached a “turning point” regarding homosexual marriage:
“We’ve become not just more accepting; we've become more loving, as a country, and as a people. Hearts and minds change with time. Laws do, too. Change like that isn’t something that starts here in Washington, but it’s something that has the power that Washington has a great deal of difficulty resisting over time.”
Really, Mr. Obama? But you still have to deal with God, whom you are insulting, and who specifically told you;  
“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.” Leviticus 18:22 NLT
“If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act.” Leviticus 20:13 NLT
“Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.” Romans 1:26-27 NLT 
“Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.” 1. Corinthians 6:9-10 NLT
“The law is for people who are sexually immoral, or who practice homosexuality, or are slave traders, liars, promise breakers, or who do anything else that contradicts the wholesome teaching that comes from the glorious Good News entrusted to me by our blessed God.” 1. Timothy 1:10-11 NLT
Haven’t you read the Scriptures, Mr. Obama? They record that from the beginning God made them male and female. This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. (See Matthew 19:4-5) Mr. Obama, you are warned; “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” Galatians 6:7-8 NKJV

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