Saturday, August 3, 2013

God’s Way Of Healing | Institute of Love

There are people who love to tell you how to pray for them for healing when they are sick, where to touch them, which words to use and how long to pray, and how much anointing oil should be placed on them. If you don’t do it their way, they get upset with you, just like Naaman, an army commander who suffered from leprosy, did. He went to the house of Elisha the prophet to have him pray for healing over him. “But Elisha sent a messenger out to him with this message: “Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River. Then your skin will be restored, and you will be healed of your leprosy.” But Naaman became angry and stalked away. “I thought he would certainly come out to meet me!” he said. “I expected him to wave his hand over the leprosy and call on the name of the Lord his God and heal me! Aren’t the rivers of Damascus, the Abana and the Pharpar, better than any of the rivers of Israel? Why shouldn’t I wash in them and be healed?” So Naaman turned and went away in a rage.” (2. Kings 5:9-12) After his officers reasoned with him and calmed him down, Naaman ultimately humbled himself and did what the prophet said and washed himself in the dirty Jordan River and was completely healed. When we want God’s healing, we need to allow Him to do it His way and not ours, even if it means under dirty, smelly circumstances in ways you don’t like or think is appropriate for you! “God blesses those who are humble!” Matthew 5:5 NLT

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