Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Understand Your Calling | Institute of Love

Understand Your Calling | Institute of Love

By Sophia Christiaan
We have to understand our callings. When you are called as an evangelist, all you want to do, and what you are good at, is helping people find salvation in Christ. Your spirit is always busy figuring out how to reach out to the world with the Gospel.
When you are a teacher, you don’t mind digging deep into complicated scripture to dig out hidden treasures, and you relish in the idea of helping people get more knowledge and understanding of the Word.
When you are an apostle, you have a gift of pioneering new works for the Kingdom and a gift to put the right people in the right positions in ministry.
When you are a pastor, you can never get enough of encouraging people and always have an embracing attitude toward everyone. You love people and love to be a source of strength and encouragement to them. You have infinite patience with struggling or disobedient Christians.
When you are a helper, you are good at, and delight in helping other servants of God. You always have an eye for what needs to be done and supports wherever you are needed. You are usually a humble and meek person without the need for much attention on yourself.
When you have a prophetic calling, you are slightly different than the rest. Although you have a great measure of love, it is usually directed at seeing to it that God’s Truth is being properly revered by the people. Your love is a love for God’s truth, and you are offended on behalf of God when people don’t respect the Lord. You will go through much persecution and hatred because of your outspoken love and zeal for God. People either hate or love you because wherever you go, you bring out the truth of that person’s character.
When you are a giver, you take your responsibility of giving very seriously and carefully listen to God’s voice, always obeying His commands.
When you have a gift of faith, believing for impossible things come easy to you. You lead others and encourage them by being who you are to also strive to have more faith. Miracles tend to follow your walk.
When you have a gift to perform miracles, you live in a state of always being ready to minister and pray for people, as your service may be required of you at any moment. You may have other strong gifts as well, such as a prophetic gift. Your life is a life of total dedication to the Lord.
When you have the gift of wisdom, wise and helpful words flow from your lips at just the right time. You may also be a good counselor or a gifted writer.
When you have the gift of special knowledge, it may be either to explain certain spiritual matters well so others may be enlightened, or it may be words of knowledge about another person that no one knows, so to heal, deliver, or encourage that individual.
See Ephesians 4:11, 1. Corinthians 12:4-11, Romans 12:6-8

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