I remember
a time when a false teaching and practice started infiltrating certain Christian
church circles I was in, where they taught that you are supposed to birth your
own destiny. Well-known preachers, who brought in this doctrine, also taught
that ‘spiritual midwives’ were needed to help birth out your destiny. I have
seen women and men travailing, groaning, moaning, and screaming, as they were
literally giving birth to a spiritual child, which represents whatever God
wanted for their lives. In some cases, even Jesus Christ is being birthed.
There were also women who would place someone between their spread legs, as if
they were birthing them to become their spiritual child.
I was watching all of this, my spirit was always troubled, and I thought to myself,
“How come the will of God for our lives is so hard to manifest on its own, that
we now need to help God bring about what He has purposed and destined for our
lives through birthing?”
Christians in those church circles jumped on the bandwagon of this birthing and
spiritual midwives teachings, because it sounded so spiritual and deep, never
questioning whether it is biblical, or what the origins are. They are being
taught, that the birth of anything is
wonderful, glorious, blessed, and holy!
preachers of the birthing doctrine based much of this teaching on the Bible
book of Romans, chapter 8 verses 22 to 27, where it says:
we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right
up to the present time. And
we believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a
foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin
and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us
our full rights as his adopted children, including the new bodies he has
promised us. We were given this hope when we were
saved. (If we already have something, we don’t need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait
patiently and confidently.)
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.
For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit
prays for us with groaning’s that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows
all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us
believers in harmony with God’s own will.” Romans 8:22-27 NLT
However, in these verses, the apostle Paul is
explaining how suffering relates to God’s redemptive purpose. The mysterious
“groaning’s” of the Holy Spirit mentioned amplifies the moans of creation and
of believers, meaning that
they are voicing a deep, inarticulate sound, as of pain, grief, or displeasure. Since the Holy Spirit is deity,
He needs no words, for God knows the intent of the Spirit!
why it says we can be confident that God hears us whenever we ask for anything
that pleases Him! And since we know He hears
us when we make our requests, we also know that He will give us what we ask for!
(See 1. John 5:14-15)
there is absolutely no need to go lay down and birth anything! And there is certainly
no need for the help of any spiritual midwife! Neither Jesus nor His disciples
practiced any of this birthing foolishness!!!
‘Spiritual Midwifery’ that has been pushed in the church, has its roots in the
New Age. In the 1970s, there was a lady named Ina May Gaskin who came up with
the term or phrase Spiritual Midwifery, and was considered the Mother of
Midwifery. She started out as a hippie trying to make the childbirth experience
for mothers a more pleasant and intimate one. The whole concept of it worships
the birth experience, even the child. She speaks in her book using
terminologies like “energy” and “religious,” that is very common in the New Age
spiritual midwives speak of their ‘spirit guides’ and operating in the 5th
spiritual dimension.
concept of birthing and spiritual wives is borrowed from witches, who serve the
agenda of the enemy, Satan, to copy God’s ability to create.
famous preachers are nothing more than instruments of Satan to introduce false
doctrines into the church! Spiritual midwives and birthing things in the spirit
is one of them!
“These people are false apostles. They are deceitful workers
who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ.
But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an
angel of light. So it is no wonder
that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.” 2.
Corinthians 11:13-15 NLT
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