The Bible says: “For we are not fighting
against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the
unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against EVIL
SPIRITS in the heavenly places!” Ephesians 6:12 NLT
Spirits go by many names; even God and Satan
are identified by numerous names and titles in the Bible.
There are two specific evil spirits that I
want to address in this study. The first one is called Incubus, which is
defined by the dictionary as one that lies on persons in their sleep; one
that has sexual intercourse with women while they are sleeping.
The other
spirit is named Succubus. This is a demon that assumes female form to
have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep.
These two evil spirits are also referred to as “sex demons” or “night
demons.” They are a powerful, high-ranking class of demons. These demons are primarily spirits of sexual
perversion. Night demons are basically spirits of lust.
We see evidence of this happening in the
Bible book of Genesis 6 verse 4, where it says: “In
those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for
whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to
children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.”
This means that the “sons of God” were fallen
angels, demon
spirits who had sex with human women, impregnating them, and causing them to
give birth to giants, abnormal people. Incubus and Succubus are the same class
of demons that operated in those times, only now they are looking to
impregnate people with spiritual perversion and lust.
The Incubus and
Succubus spirit manifest itself to the conscious mind and cause it to
experience all of the stimulation and physical feelings that take place during
intercourse or sexual contact with a physical person. The demons most often
reveal themselves to people during the nighttime hours, but can manifest at any
time of the day.
demonic spirits can have such a strong effect on people that they can cause
overwhelming sexual urges in the body, so strong that they completely take over
the mind. This can happen at any time, but tend to be most common when lying
The Incubus
and Succubus spirit is also responsible for sex dreams. Those are dreams during
which you are engaged in sexual contact or intercourse, or dreams in which your
body has a spontaneous orgasm. Another manifestation of Incubus and Succubus is
nightmares – realistic, graphic, heart-stopping nightmares that rob you of
sleep and make you awake frightened. Many people also claim to actually see
spirit bodies that come and subject them to various sexual acts. These spirits
are often violent and will attack you by beating, choking, and restraining you.
However, it
is important to understand, that not every powerful sexual urge in the body is
due to a demonic manifestation. Strong sexual urges can be purely hormonal, or
just good old-fashioned arousal at the thought of enjoying intercourse with
your spouse. When sexual urges come on suddenly without warning and you simply
cannot control them without having an intense battle, that is when you know
they are demonic.
A vast amount of Christians are being kept in
bondage by the Incubus and Succubus spirits, whose purpose is to impregnate them
with fear and in doing so, pervert their faith. The devil knows that fear
induces a desire to seek comfort. Sexual activity, especially sexual fantasy
and masturbation, bring about a temporary sense of false comfort. Therefore, by
inducing fear, these lust demons cause you to be that much more likely to
commit sexually perverse acts. People that are afflicted by these spirits will
experience a tremendous amount of failure and often feel cursed. Their belief system has simply been
But Jesus Christ came to set the captives
free (see Luke 4:18)! All you have to do is renounce the Incubus and Succubus
spirits that have entered into your life and their works.
“Submit yourself to God! Resist the devil,
and he will flee from you!” James 4:7 NLT
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