No one can undo what they have done; the mistakes, the sexual encounters, and the wasted time they have spent on activities that have been fruitless. But, whenever someone feels dirty and down and depressed, knowing that nothing they have done so far in life has brought the satisfaction they were looking for, they can always turn to God and ask Him to wash them in the blood of Jesus. You see, the blood that Jesus shed on the cross wasn't just any blood, it was redeeming, cleansing blood that took away all of our sins - all that which drags us down and makes us burdened and heavy. All we have to do is admit that we cannot do it our own way anymore. Now we step aside, and allow Jesus Christ to transform us by giving us a new life! We put our trust in Him for everything - our future, our hopes and dreams, our family situation, our finances, our belongings, yes even our very own lives here on earth. We decide not to live for ourselves any longer, but let Jesus tell us what great work He has planned for us. We humble ourselves and admit we are stained and soiled, good for nothing in our own strength and need His help, His saving power. We abandon our previous beliefs of self-indulgence and self-sufficiency, and leave our old lives with all its sinful habits and traditions behind for a completely new, transformed life, where we change every day so we become more and more like Jesus, the King, the gentle and meek one of heart, the one who is full of grace, compassion and loving kindness. The one who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The one who loved us first, and who exchanged our stone hearts with new compassionate hearts. The one who lifts us up from the sinking clay and gives us a new future full of hope and blessed assurance that we are loved and chosen, precious and valuable.
Jesus said; "If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." (Matthew 10:39 NLT)
Today is the day of salvation, the day to let go of the past in faith, taking a new grip with our tired hands, and surrender our lives to Him who loved us so much that He willingly suffered and died, and shed His precious redeeming blood, for us. For you. For me.
Read Matthew 26:28, Colossians 1:14, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrew 9:14, 1. John 1:7, Revelation 1:5.
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