So many times over the years I received prophecies
from well-known prophets, who predicted that I would go to Heaven and return on
a regular basis and see God the Father and Jesus Christ and get great
revelations and understanding of the Heavenly spheres and the angels. Yeah
We are living in a self-centered, narcissistic
(Christian) culture where many, especially in the prophetic circles, are
claiming and boasting about going to Heaven and having face-to-face encounters
with God. This is a major trend nowadays! They tell you how glorious it was,
how peaceful, how happy and comforted they were. They also like to brag about
how they received privileges and were enlightened, and how many things they now
perfectly understand from God’s kingdom.
But the Bible clearly states the words of Jesus, who
“No one has ever gone to heaven and
returned.” John 3:13 NLT
“No one has ever seen God.” John 1:18
We are warned in the Word about these
false prophets who want to lead us astray. But we have received the Holy
Spirit, and He lives within us, so we don’t need anyone to teach us what is
true. For the Spirit teaches us everything we need to know, and what He teaches
is true—it is not a lie! (See 1. John 2:26-27)