time ago, my wife and I completely distanced ourselves from the circles of
churches and ministries, who are teaching and conducting unbiblical doctrines
and practices. Here is a list of what we are talking about:
· The obligation of tithing to be
blessed or be member of the church.
· The sowing of money seeds in
exchange for financial breakthrough or healing.
· The getting rich Prosperity Gospel.
· The name-it-and-claim-it teachings.
· Pastors begging for money and
living in wealth and luxury at the expense of the church.
· The giving of special high-level leadership
callings and titles like presidential seals and mantels.
· The following of Jewish laws with
the blowing of shofars and the waving of flags and touching of banners to bring
God’s presence and blessings.
· The keeping of Sabbaths or other
Jewish feast celebrations and commemorations as a requirement to please God and
be blessed.
· The year of Jubilee debt
cancellation teachings.
· The purposely-crafted around-the-corner
financial breakthrough prophesies.
· Teachings on how to get into
alignment with God in order to receive money blessings, healing, and spouses.
· Revelations and teachings about the
crashing of Wall Street and the world economy, like the Shemitah and Blood Moon
that is supposed to signal the end of the world.
· The New Apostolic Reformation
with its Seven Mountain teachings, like being an apostle that has dominion in
the marketplace.
· The coming end-time Great Wealth
Transfer for Christians.
· Teachings on how to get
supernaturally transferred or travel in the spirit from one place to another.
· The charging for conferences,
worship concerts, seminars, worship and prophetic schools.
· The selling of books, CD’s, DVD’s,
and food in the church for profit.
· The you-can-only-be-married-one-time-to-be-in-the-ministry
doctrine, and that once you are married the marriage is automatically blessed
by God.
· The teachings that God does not
want you to suffer or to be poor.
· Fire impartations and tunnels.
· The worship of the anointing,
miracles and the supernatural.
· Supernatural manifestations of
gold dust and feathers.
· Smoke supposedly being the glory
· Angel obsession.
· Spiritual birthing.
· Teachings on how to get drunk in
the spirit.
· Uncontrollable laughter, jerking,
and shaking.
· The laying on the graves of
deceased ministers in order to soak up their anointing.
· The going-to-Heaven-and-sit-on-the-Father’s-throne
teachings and prophecies.
· The Hyper Grace doctrine.
· Motivational, and the Law of Attraction
· Female pastors having authority over
men and teaching them.
· The adoration and elevation of
pastors and worship leaders.
· And finally, the teaching of
cessationism – the belief that miracles and speaking in tongues have ceased to exist.
majority of the churches and prophetic gatherings are in actuality the Synagogues
of Satan, where masses are being deceived and led astray!
We are supposed to be like the people of
Berea, who searched the Scriptures day after day to see if what people were
teaching was indeed the truth, and not like the Corinthian Church, where they
happily put up with whatever anyone were telling them, even if they preached a
different Jesus, or they had a different kind of Spirit, or taught a different
kind of gospel. (See Acts 17:11, 2. Corinthians 11:4)