Sunday, May 5, 2013

Jezebel Versus The Godly Woman - by Sophia Christiaan (May 5, 2013)

Any woman who comes from a Jezebel upbringing - has had a mother with the Jezebel spirit - will have to deal with the generational curses that has been passed on to her. Becoming totally free from the effects of the Jezebel spirit is not an overnight thing, but a process that may take years. 
The battle is between her natural carnal nature and her spiritual nature. Her natural nature is the sinful one, the one that is drawn to her generational inheritance, causing her to feel comfortable when acting out Jezebel features, such as manipulation, rebellion, fighting for her rights, fighting not to be hurt again, fighting for power and authority over her husband and so on. Her spiritual nature is where the Holy Spirit is constantly working for her to be stronger, so she will have the power to overcome the temptation to yield to her inherited Jezebel nature. 

When a person gets saved, it doesn't mean they are automatically free from all bondage in their lives; on the contrary, the cleansing process has only just begun. So it is not strange that a Christian finds him or herself in a constant battle between his or her flesh and spirit. 

Paul wrote in Romans 7:18-19 NLT: "And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway."

And further in Romans 8:5-6 NLT: "Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace."

In reality, all those who have been born again have become free from the bondage of sin through Jesus Christ, that's a fact! But, understand this well, there is a renewal of the mind that needs to take place, and this renewal is a working process with the Holy Spirit. The more you are willing to listen and yield to the Holy Spirit when He comes to correct you, the faster you can be healed and set free from your old nature. All Christians go through the same cleansing process; getting convicted by the Holy Spirit, and changing through responding humbly through sincere repentance. True repentance is always accompanied by sorrowful remorse. It's impossible to be slightly bothered or halfway indifferent and be truly repentant. It always produces tears, pain, and a burning desire to change. 

It is through this process that we learn how good God is to us and how much He loves us, and where we develop a strong relationship with Him. 

The renewal of the mind, in the case of someone who grew up with a Jezebel mother, usually involves learning to act like a godly woman instead of a rebellious woman. Now, if the only example she ever had was a loud mouthed, bossy, controlling mother who lived in a constant power struggle, or took over the authority of her husband completely, which tools does she have to now suddenly react and think differently? If all she ever saw was a mother who just took for herself what she believed she was entitled to, never listened to anyone, was domineering and headstrong, how is she supposed to know how to love and respect her husband, pray for the things she needs and wait for God to make a way, be kind, loving, and submissive? (Ephesians 5:33, Titus 2:4-5) How is she supposed to know how to win her husband with her behavior instead of words? (1. Peter 3:1) She doesn't. She has never been given any tools to help her become a godly woman, so now she has to learn them all from scratch...if she wants to live in accordance with Gods Word and be blessed! 

We know God resists the proud and gives favor to the humble, (James 4:6) and this is what happens in so many marriages. The woman who comes from a Jezebel background ends up being resisted by her husband in every way, causing her to be miserable, because she doesn't get her way and nothing works for her, because she has not yet been humbled by the Holy Spirit and begun to learn how to be a godly wife and woman.  
The husband resisting her is actually God resisting her, because he Bible says that the head of the wife is the man, and the head of the man is God. 

So likewise, if the woman is obeying the Scriptures, and truly respects and honors her husband with a gentle and quiet spirit, (1. Peter 3:4) God will start favoring her, and the husband will give her favor. Suddenly, those things she used to fight so hard for, she gets handed to her with no effort. Her prayers start being answered, God starts changing the husband where he is wrong, and all good things happens. These are the blessings of a wise woman who has chosen to truly follow Christ.  (Note: A woman should never allow herself to be physically or emotionally abused by her husband.)

On the other hand, a woman who yields to what her sinful nature dictates her will remain cursed. She won't have favor from either God or her husband. Everything she does will work against her, and she will be greatly frustrated. 

That's why it's so important for any Christian woman to win in this battle against her own tendencies to sin in the ways of her generation. She must dedicate herself to learn the ways of The Lord, so she will get full victory in her life. She must hate the evil ways of her Jezebel inheritance, and take a strong stand against it. When she fails, she should be quick to admit her fault, repent, and continue where she left off without feeling condemned, or letting Satan take advantage of her fall to tell her that she will never make it. 

The following list is a reminder to all of us women, who come from Jezebel backgrounds, to help us become more and more holy every day, as we strive to be more like Jesus Christ, and remove ourselves from the Jezebel Spirit. 

When Jezebel is PROUD, the godly woman is HUMBLE
When Jezebel is JEALOUS, the godly woman is CONTENT
When Jezebel is COMPETITIVE, the godly woman is HAPPY FOR OTHERS
When Jezebel is ARROGANT, the godly woman is MEEK
When Jezebel is BOSSY, the godly woman is GENTLE
When Jezebel is MANIPULATIVE, the godly woman is TRUTHFUL
When Jezebel is SELF-CENTERED, the godly woman is ATTENTIVE
When Jezebel is A DRAMA QUEEN, the godly woman is A PROBLEM SOLVER
When Jezebel is RUDE, the godly woman is WELL BEHAVED
When Jezebel is CROSSING BORDERS, the godly woman is RESPECTFUL
When Jezebel is CONDESCENDING, the godly woman is HONORING
When Jezebel is AGGRESIVE, the godly woman is SELF-CONTROLLED
When Jezebel is LOUD, the godly woman is QUIET
When Jezebel is ATTENTION SEEKING, the godly woman is ATTENTION GIVING
When Jezebel is FAKE, the godly woman is GENUINE
When Jezebel is SELF-RIGHTEOUS, the godly woman is REPENTANT
When Jezebel is CONTROLLING, the godly woman is TRUSTING
When Jezebel is FALSE, the godly woman is REAL
When Jezebel is UNAFFECTIONATE, the godly woman is LOVING
When Jezebel is GREEDY, the godly woman is SACRIFICIAL
When Jezebel is HAUGHTY, the godly woman is LOWLY
When Jezebel is DEFILED, the godly woman is PURE
When Jezebel is A KNOW IT ALL, the godly woman is TEACHABLE
When Jezebel is UNSETTLED, the godly woman is PEACEFUL
When Jezebel is REBELLIOUS, the godly woman is SUBMISSIVE
When Jezebel is IMPATIENT, the godly woman is LONG-SUFFERING
When Jezebel is LIVING LARGE, the godly woman is FRUGAL
When Jezebel is DEMANDING, the godly woman is PATIENT
When Jezebel is COLD-HEARTED, the godly woman is GOOD-HEARTED
When Jezebel is OFFENSIVE, the godly woman is KIND
When Jezebel is OFFENDED, the godly woman is FORGIVING
When Jezebel is BITTER, the godly woman is JOYFUL
When Jezebel is WOUNDED, the godly woman is HEALING
When Jezebel is HYPOCRITICAL, the godly woman is INTEGER
When Jezebel is DRIVEN, the godly woman is AT EASE
When Jezebel is CONFUSED, the godly woman is CONFIDENT
When Jezebel is UNSETTLED, the godly woman is STABILE
When Jezebel is POWER HUNGRY, the godly woman is SERVING
When Jezebel is AT ODDS WITH LIFE, the godly woman is ACCEPTING HER LOT IN LIFE
When Jezebel is LYING, the godly woman is HONEST
When Jezebel is CONDITIONAL, the godly woman is UNCONDITIONAL
When Jezebel is POSSESSED, the godly woman is DELIVERED
When Jezebel is RELIGIOUS, the godly woman is A TRUE BELIEVER
When Jezebel is CARNAL, the godly woman is SPIRITUAL
When Jezebel is IMMORAL, the godly woman is A ROLE MODEL
When Jezebel is JUDGMENTAL, the godly woman is GRACEFUL
When Jezebel is UNEDUCATED, the godly woman is KNOWLEDGABLE
When Jezebel is FEARFUL, the godly woman is BRAVE
When Jezebel is COWARDICE, the godly woman is COURAGEOUS
When Jezebel is UNSATISFIED, the godly woman is THANKFUL
When Jezebel is DEROGATORY, the godly woman is ENCOURAGING
When Jezebel is CALCULATED, the godly woman is INNOCENT AT HEART
When Jezebel is CONNIVING, the godly woman is PRAYERFUL
When Jezebel is HATEFUL, the godly woman is A BLESSER
When Jezebel has a LOW SELF ESTEEM, the godly woman KNOWS SHE IS LOVED
When Jezebel is CONFLICT ORIENTED, the godly woman is A PEACEMAKER
When Jezebel is A PUNISHER, the godly woman is MERCIFUL
When Jezebel STEPS LIKE AN ELEPHANT, the godly woman is ELEGANT
When Jezebel is PEOPLE ORIENTED, the godly woman is GOD ORIENTED
When Jezebel is SELF-WILLED, the godly woman is OBEDIENT
When Jezebel is CRITICAL, the godly woman is POSITIVE
When Jezebel is CYNICAL, the godly woman is STRAIGHT FORWARD
When Jezebel is INSECURE, the godly woman is SECURE
When Jezebel is UNRELIABLE, the godly woman is DEPENDABLE
When Jezebel is SUSPICIOUS, the godly woman is BELIEVING
When Jezebel is WITHDRAWN, the godly woman is OPEN
When Jezebel is SECRETIVE, the godly woman is TRANSPARENT
When Jezebel is CONFRONTATIONAL, the godly woman is WISE
When Jezebel is DOMINATING, the godly woman is YIELDING
When Jezebel is CONVINCED, the godly woman is SEEKING ADVICE
When Jezebel is STUBBORN, the godly woman is PLIABLE
When Jezebel is MALICIOUS, the godly woman is FRIENDLY
When Jezebel is VINDICTIVE, the godly woman is HELPFUL
When Jezebel is RESENTFUL, the godly woman is BELIEVING THE BEST
When Jezebel is DIFFICULT, the godly woman is FLEXIBLE
When Jezebel is PARANOID, the godly woman is RELAXED
When Jezebel is DELUSIONED, the godly woman is REALISTIC
When Jezebel MANIFESTS UGLINESS, the godly woman is ATTRACTIVE
When Jezebel is OPINIONATED, the godly woman is PENSATIVE
When Jezebel is VULGAR, the godly woman is PRIVATE
When Jezebel is BRAZEN, the godly woman is TACTFUL
When Jezebel is DEPRESSED, the godly woman is HOPEFUL
When Jezebel is VIOLENT, the godly woman is DISCIPLINED
When Jezebel is DISCONTENT, the godly woman is HAPPY
When Jezebel is A FALSE PROPHET, the godly woman is BIBLICALLY SOUND
When Jezebel is SEDUCTIVE, the godly woman is MODEST
When Jezebel is UNCORRECTABLE, the godly woman is CORRECTABLE
When Jezebel is SHAMELESS, the godly woman is CONSCIENTIOUS
When Jezebel is TAKING, the godly woman is GIVING
When Jezebel is WICKED, the godly woman is GODLY
When Jezebel is DEFENSIVE, the godly woman is A GOOD LISTENER
When Jezebel is STANDOFFISH, the godly woman is EMBRACING
When Jezebel is DIVISIVE, the godly woman is RECONCILING
When Jezebel is DESTRUCTIVE, the godly woman is BUILDING UP
When Jezebel is PESSIMISTIC, the godly woman is OPTIMISTIC
When Jezebel is GLUTTONOUS, the godly woman is MODERATE
When Jezebel is UNRULY, the godly woman is UNDER AUTHORITY
When Jezebel is GOSSIPY, the godly woman is TRUSTWORTHY
When Jezebel is BELITTLING, the godly woman is HONORING
When Jezebel is A DECEIVER, the godly woman is A GUIDING LIGHT
When Jezebel is A CRIMINAL, the godly woman is HONORABLE
When Jezebel is FROWNING, the godly woman is SMILING
When Jezebel is DEMONIC, the godly woman is HOLY SPIRIT FILLED
When Jezebel is SINFUL, the godly woman is FORGIVEN
When Jezebel is UNHOLY, the godly woman is RIGHTEOUS
When Jezebel is UNFAIR, the godly woman is JUST
When Jezebel is COMPLAINING, the godly woman is WORSHIPING
When Jezebel is UNBELIEVING, the godly woman HAS FAITH
When Jezebel is TORMENTED, the godly woman HAS PEACE OF MIND
When Jezebel is SEEKING ADMIRATION, the godly woman is POINTING TO JESUS
When Jezebel is COMPULSIVE, the godly woman is SPIRIT LED
When Jezebel is IN BONDAGE, the godly woman is SET FREE
When Jezebel LOVES TO LEAD, the godly woman is A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST
When Jezebel is A DESECRATOR, the godly woman is A SANCTIFIER
When Jezebel is PROMISCUOUS, the godly woman is PIOUS
When Jezebel is LAZY, the godly woman is A HARD WORKER
When Jezebel is DECEPTIVE, the godly woman KEEPS HER WORD
When Jezebel is A SPENDER, the godly woman is A GIVER
When Jezebel is ABUSIVE, the godly woman CARING
When Jezebel is UNDERMINING, the godly woman is STRENGTHENING
When Jezebel is DISCONTENT, the godly woman is HAPPY
When Jezebel is THREATENING, the godly woman is PROTECTING
When Jezebel is ADULTEROUS, the godly woman is FAITHFUL
When Jezebel is ARGUMENTATIVE, the godly woman is REFLECTIVE
When Jezebel is RECKLESS, the godly woman is DISCREET
When Jezebel is DEFIANT, the godly woman is WILLING
When Jezebel is INDIFFERENT, the godly woman is INTERESTED
When Jezebel is A BACKSTABBER, the godly woman PAYS BACK EVIL WITH GOOD
When Jezebel is STRIVING, the godly woman is ANOINTED

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